Dr. Harrison Mungal
Harrison holds two doctorate degrees, one in Clinical Psychology and the other in Philosophy in Social Work. He has two master’s degrees, a master’s degree in Social Work and a master’s degree in Counselling. And a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. He specializes in mental health, addictions, marriage and relationships, parenting, and family.
Harrison is considered one of the leading cognitive therapist workshop presenters. He wears many hats in supporting individuals, couples, families, and corporations. He has been a public speaker to over forty-two nations as a keynote speaker at conferences, seminars, and public events, as well as a speaker on several Radio and Television programs. He has written over twenty-five books. He is appreciated for the depth of his knowledge, great humour and passion for relationships, parenting, mental health, addictions, and other related life struggles.
Watch Dr. Harrison Mungal’s Teaching Segments
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