Most Recent | By First Name: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Shaila Visser

Shaila Visser

Shaila Visser is the National Director of Alpha Canada and the Global Senior Vice-President for...

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Gary Stagg

Gary Stagg

For more than forty years, Gary has been involved in full-time ministry with an emphasis on the...

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Marie-Eve Dawood

Marie-Eve Dawood

Marie-Eve Dawood nearly lost her mind waiting for a God-fearing mate. Against all odds, she tied...

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K-Anthony's early musical experiences began in the church he attended in his youth, located in...

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Mae Renfroe

Mae Renfroe

A wife & mother to 10, Mae Renfroe is passionate about bringing women to a closer & more...

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Jacob Walda

Jacob Walda

Jacob Walda is a dynamic Spirit-filled young man who serves as Associate Evangelist with the Bill...

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David Dwarka

David Dwarka

David has worked with people all his professional life and wouldn’t want it any other way. His...

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Yael Eckstein

Yael Eckstein

As President of The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), Yael...

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Rick Kirschner

Rick Kirschner

Born into a Catholic family in 1960, Rick received Christ into his heart during his confirmation...

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Jaime Schreiner

Jaime Schreiner

Jaime is a speaker and writer from the Canadian prairies. She and her husband are parents to...

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Loreli Cockram

Loreli Cockram

Loreli Cockram is an urban missionary, serving with Youth Unlimited (Youth For Christ) in...

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Amanda Hagel

Amanda Hagel

Inspirational/Country Music Artist Amanda Hagel has established herself as an artist whose mission...

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Alicia Boothe

Alicia Boothe

Growing up as a young lady, Alicia Boothe has always seen great value in family and community....

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Giving Tuesday - Hope for the lost