Are miracles real? Do they still happen today?
When the doctors’ report shows a bad prognosis, are there healings that go beyond what modern medicine can accomplish? Come with us as we explore the evidence in CBN’s brand-new documentary.
Investigating the Supernatural: Miracles
Explore evidence for the miraculous in Investigating the Supernatural: Miracles.
Join CBN News investigative journalist Billy Hallowell as he embarks on a journey of discovery into the evidence and claims of modern-day miracles.
Featuring stunning insights from premiere scientific institutions, academics, and theologians, we’ll look at how science explains miracles and what the Bible says about the miraculous in the modern day.
Through the investigative lens of science and the first-hand testimony of people who have experienced the supernatural, we will help shed light on a phenomenon sometimes beyond explanation and get answers to some of the burning questions about faith, healing, and the supernatural.
Does the miraculous happen today? Let’s take a look at the evidence.

If you have ever asked questions, are curious, or perhaps skeptical about the miraculous, then CBN’s brand-new documentary Investigating the Supernatural: Miracles is a powerful, investigative look into the supernatural realm.
Available on March 11, 2025.
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