By Joanne Radke
On July 1, Canadians will celebrate our country’s history, culture, and achievements together with various activities and events.
Canada Day has been a national celebration and holiday since 1868 after Canada was recognized as a country that has the freedom to govern itself as a federation by Great Britain on July 1, 1867. In the first years of Dominion Day, provinces organized local festivities in celebration.
Canada, originally built on Christian principles, has over 25 Scripture verses etched in the glass and bricks of the parliament buildings. We need to stand with our leaders, believing that God will continue to have His dominion from sea to sea (Psalm 72:8).
Other Bible verses (just to name a few) remind us:
- Be strong—1 Corinthians 16:13
- Prosper—1 Chronicles 22:11-13
- Christ has risen—Matthew 28:6
- Remember the harvest—John 4:35
- Be victorious—1 Corinthians 15:57
- Walk in righteousness—Psalm 72:1
As you celebrate Canada Day, take a moment to thank God for giving us a nation where He reigns. Take time to pray for “God keep our land glorious and free. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!”

Father God, today as we celebrate the birthday of Canada, we thank You for the beauty and freedom that we all share. Please keep our land free as we share in its blessings together. Give our leaders the wisdom to make the right decisions each day to follow Your will. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
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