Rick Kirschner

Born into a Catholic family in 1960, Rick received Christ into his heart during his confirmation at 6 years old. Rick Always felt a call to be a “soldier for Christ” since his confirmation. Growing up Rick developed a passion for people and trained at a community college as a social worker.

Leaving college Rick was hired by the Peterborough Police Force where he served for 10 years prior to answering the Call into full time ministry at Selwyn Outreach Centre in Peterborough. Rick & his wife Cathy served there as the youth Pastors and Vice Principal of New Life Christian Academy for with 20 years before answering the Call to plant 2 Alternative Christian Radio stations in Peterborough Ontario and Fort McMurray AB.

Rick Studied at St Stephen’s University and Received a Master of Ministry Degree in April 2005 focusing on a “Strategy for Impacting a Community with the Gospel in the 21 century”. Rick was called back into ministry while leading a team of dedicated followers of Christ to start All Nations Church in Fort McMurray launching in late Sept 2020. The Church held 12 in person services and went online for the next year. All Nations is now located on three beautiful acres of in the heart of Fort McMurray’s most densely populated communities.

The Mission of All Nations is to bring all nations to Jesus Christ by loving God, loving people, and loving life. Rick & Cathy have three adult children and 11 grand Children all serving the Lord in Formal Ministry and vocational service to families. 

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