Trusting God One Step at a Time

Feb 3, 2025 | Devotional

By Bill Markham

Faithfulness often feels like a journey through uncharted territory. Abraham knew this well. He stepped out in obedience, leaving his homeland for a destination God would reveal later. He didn’t have a detailed map, but he trusted God one step at a time. Moses, too, exemplifies faithfulness. Confronted with a daunting call to lead Israel out of slavery, he didn’t have all the answers. Yet, he said yes to God and witnessed miracles unfold, one act of obedience at a time. Esther’s faithfulness shines as well. Facing the peril of approaching the king uninvited, she trusted God with each step. Her courage and obedience saved an entire nation. 

These heroes of faith didn’t have everything figured out. They experienced doubt and fear, yet they chose to trust God in the moment. Their faithfulness reminds us of a simple truth: we are responsible for our obedience; God is responsible for the outcomes. The application is clear: ask God, “What do You want me to do today?” Let go of past regrets and future fears and focus on faithfulness in the present. Maybe it’s a small act of kindness, a word of encouragement, or a step of service, even when it’s inconvenient or difficult. 

Faithfulness isn’t about knowing the whole plan; it’s about trusting the One who does. Like stepping out of the boat in the storm, the challenge is clear: are we willing to trust God with today and leave the results in His hands? 


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