By Andrew Burditt
The 2024 Christmas season has come and gone. Presents have been exchanged, the turkey has been enjoyed, and many have travelled far and wide to spend time with family and those they love. The tree is down, the decorations have been put away, and if you’re on top of things, you’ve even managed to get your outside lights taken down!
Christians around the world gathered on Christmas Eve at carol services, and that sense of anticipation that comes with the Advent season has been realized as we welcomed the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
There is no doubt that for many, January might feel like a letdown with people asking themselves,
“What comes next?”
Some may go on vacation, most will clean up from the holidays, just about everyone will rest, and far too many people will be left with credit card bills to be paid for their Christmas season.
Surely there must be more?
For those of us who are followers of Jesus and people of great faith, that wonderful sense of anticipation and wonderment that accompanies the Christmas season continues.
January 6 is an important date on the Christian calendar and marks the celebration of Epiphany. It is on this day that we commemorate the visit of the Magi, otherwise known as the three kings or wise men. If you look at Christmas decorations, and particularly Nativity scenes, you will almost always see them included. However, if you read Matthew 2:1-12 (NIV), it states that after Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, meaning that their visit took place some time later. Regardless of their exact time, these Magi knew the prophecies of Jesus, were astronomers, and were called to go and find Him, to seek Him, and ultimately, to worship Him.
This would have been a long journey that was most likely difficult and potentially even dangerous, but they were still compelled to take that risk to see the Son of God. If we were faced with the same decision, would we take that trip and accept the difficulties and risks that came with it?
The wonderful thing about today is that for most people, there is no danger or risk in a life with Jesus. We can worship the Son of God exactly where we are and invite Him into our lives simply by admitting that we need Him and asking Him to lead our lives. It is as easy as a conversation, but one that comes with an incredible life-changing experience.
Isaiah 55:6 tells us to seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. We are encouraged to seek Him now, without waiting, but no journey is needed as He is already with us.
What a tremendous promise and gift that is! As you begin 2025, know that He loves you, wants to be in your life, and as the saying goes, “Wise men still seek Him!”
The wonderful thing about
today is that for most people,
there is no danger or risk
in a life with Jesus.
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